Christmas With Missing Pieces

Today I am missing my kids who no longer live here.

I'm missing J's cuddles
A's head butts
D's ear rubs
B's silliness
E's personality
A's sweet caring nature
J's laughter
K's "hugs"
W's ability to make everyone laugh and
 J's singing
I'm missing all of these in each one of them and so much more.

In the almost five years I've been a houseparent we haven't had the same group of kids for Christmas any of the years. This year alone three kids I celebrated Christmas with are no longer here and I have three new children in my house.

I love that we have had such an open door.
I love that the kids I have loved dearly have gotten to go live with their new families.
I love that kids going to their families mean I could open my heart a little wider for another child--a love that is the same but so very different each time.
I love that I have called 16 kids mine for a time.

But, at the same time, its hard. 

The kids miss out on what little stability they could have here.
Two of my kids still here have had to experience all of these goodbyes too.
Its not natural to have your kids here one Christmas and not the next.

For J and K, today I wonder what it is like to get to celebrate Jesus' birthday with Jesus himself. I wonder how beautiful the party is. How amazing will it be to get to just be in his presence? I can only imagine how amazing of a Christmas my boys having this year. I don't get to see pictures of them decorating the tree or posing with their families. I don't get to hear about their school parties or see a video of their first time in the snow. But then, I'm reminded about how much more wonderful heaven is than being here on earth.

For the rest, even though it is hard, I rejoice that God has united them with their families. I love seeing them celebrating Christmas with their new families, learning about new traditions, and creating new, lasting memories. I smile each time I see them enjoying life with their new families. This is what we have prayed for. 

My family does not look like I ever planned it to. It does not look like very many other families. But, it is mine. I have extended family I never would have known had I not gotten to love their children for a time before they could have them home. I have children who need me in ways that I never would have dreamed of. I have learned to love in ways I never knew existed. I have fought for things I never knew I needed someone to fight for. This life is a weird one, but I'm so thankful for it.

Now, I'm going to go continue celebrating Christmas with my kids who I have here. I will love them, hug them, and cherish them for as long as they are mine. 

                                               Christmases Past and Present

Before I moved in with them, I knew these kids were going to be mine. This isn't from Christmas, but this was who I celebrated Christmas 2015 with. 

We didn't take a family picture at the beginning of December of 2016 because K was so sick, between the picture with 10 kids and Christmas Day 2016, four of these kids were no longer living here. 

Christmas 2017

Christmas 2018

Christmas 2019

Christmas 2020

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site. Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise. 

Merry Christmas From My Crazy Family!


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart Toni. We work hard in our family to express the whole range of feelings that can fill one's heart and day. We know it is hard work to even just let ourselves feel the range but even more bravery is needed to share with others. Praying for you. Rest in His courage and strength. May the Lord flood you with patience, hope, joy, and His love in 2021. Kris


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