Worth It All

I’ve written many blogs in my head and even began some on paper lately.  But putting my thoughts into words has been hard lately.

Instead, tonight I was reminded of something else that needs shared.

The happy moments. The moments that make me smile more than I have all day. The moments that make everything worth it. The moments that remind me why I do what I do.

Sometimes bedtimes are really rough. I might get scratched in the face or my glasses might be on the verge of breaking for the 20th time that day. Many times my hair gets pulled or I get bit.

Other times, like tonight as I sang bedtime songs we have a moment of calm. I was holding one of my children who often does all of the above and she began to sing along. Hearing her sing about Jesus’ love instead of what happens on other nights, makes it all worth it.

When we don’t know if a child will ever smile and she laughs at 2 years old, it makes it all worth it.

When I see a picture of one of my children as a new admit that reminds me how fragile his little life was and then I see him running around laughing and enjoying life, it makes it all worth it.

When a child is having a really bad day and I finally get him to smile after a long cuddle session, it makes it all worth it.

When a child thinks she is the funniest person in the world every time she is naughty but then leans forward and asks for a kiss, it makes it all worth it.
When children who struggle with attachment issues run through a whole crowd of people just to get to me, it makes it all worth it.

When a child who has struggled with weight gain finally reaches the next milestone, it makes it all worth it.

When a child is scared of what seems like everyone and everything except his nanny and then as he feels more safe I get to watch his personality come out, it makes it all worth it.

When you watch a child who seems to be in her own silly little world carefully care for a baby doll, knowing she has learned love and care from example, it makes it all worth it.

When a child who is often slightly out of control at bedtime learn that she just needs some extra attention and instead of being wild, she reaches up to be held, it makes it all worth it.

These children are so worth it.  

I love my children dearly.

Lately I’ve been focusing too much on the negative things that have happened. I’ve been thinking about where I’m failing.

When I only have the energy to make macaroni and cheese for the third time this week.

When I should have had more patience in dealing with that child.

When my big fun kid projects go undone for months.  

When things stay on my to do list for weeks.

When the house is not as clean as I would like it to be.

When I forget about leftovers and they go moldy.

And I could go on.

But, tonight as a child sang about Jesus’ love I was reminded that these children are incredible. I was reminded that God loves these children (and me) more than I can imagine. I was reminded to think about the joyful moments instead of dwelling on the things that didn’t go quite as planned.

Moms, dads, caregivers, teachers, bosses, etc, will you join me in thinking about the positives? Will you join me in finding the joy amongst all the hard work? In the middle of exhaustion will you join me in finding a breath of fresh air in the things you never thought would be accomplished?

You are doing a great job, be sure to take time to remind yourself of that. I listed one thing from each one of my children that has brought me joy lately. What little (or big) things do you have to celebrate in your child’s life?

*Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site. Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise. 


  1. The forgotten and the abandoned know the love of Christ because of the selfless service of people like you. You living out your divine purpose is reaping blessings right here on earth (as you see all the progress that is being made in each child) as well as in Heaven. Keep up God's work.


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