Good Friday--A Father's Love
Good Friday Words that have been familiar to me for all of my life. Words that have meant different things to me as I’ve passed through life. Jesus died. He died for me. He died for you. Our sins put him on the cross. He willingly and lovingly allowed himself to hang there. Being ridiculed, spat at, and in unimaginable pain. He suffered. All because he loves us. When I was younger, I didn’t really focus on how much of a sacrifice that was because I knew he came back to life three days later. I never thought about what a sacrifice God gave us by sending his son who he loved so much to do this for us. My boys (Keven and Jeffter) in no way suffered as much as Jesus did, but the last monthish of their lives they really did suffer. Their bodies rejected any nourishment they were given, breathing was a struggle, and they both basically just wasted away little by little until their bodies couldn’t even handle a heart beating...