
Showing posts from March, 2019


Noun:  courage 1.     the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. "she called on all her courage to face the ordeal" o    strength in the face of pain or grief. "he fought his illness with great courage" synonyms: bravery , braveness, courageousness,  pluck , pluckiness,  valour ,  fearlessness , intrepidity, intrepidness,  nerve ,  daring ,  audacity ,  boldness antonyms: cowardice , timidity If you haven’t heard yet, my children and I are moving to a new (to us) house on COTP’s campus. (If this is news to you, you should ask to join my Facebook group where I share more updates and pictures). Our new house will be called The Courage House. In Life we have to do a lot of hard things, hard things that take a lot of courage. “Strength in the face of pain or grief”--we have a lot of grief and pain around here and that can look...