
Showing posts from 2019

Merry Christmas from the Courage House!

Merry Christmas from the Courage House!  Maybe one day I'll write a year in review, but until then enjoy these adorable pictures :)  Here are a couple of our best from the Christmas photo shoot But we still had some that look like this, which are probably a more accurate depiction of our everyday life. And then there are matching Christmas pajamas :) This photo shoot was very impromptu and included a lot of excited children. We got to open an early Christmas gift and then had a sleepover in our living room with the new matching pajamas.  And then we had to show off our Christmas jammies so we wore them to our Christmas Eve Service Merry Christmas :) * Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site. Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise. 

Dear 20 Year Old Self

Dear 20 year old self, You’ve lived a good life so far. You have served in many capacities, you’ve listened to where you may have been called to, you love well. You’ve made a few mistakes, but you need to remember that those were just learning blocks and not the end of the world. You are typically quiet, but that is mostly because you don’t feel like people want to hear what you have to say. They do. You are important and have stories people need to hear. You’ll even stand in front of churches and groups to share about your life. Sounds weird, huh? It seems easier for you to take the big steps of faith than the tiny everyday ones. Don’t be afraid of those, they lead to big things or might not seem big to you but mean a whole lot to someone else. Keep reading your Bible and learn more about God everyday, he has a lot to say and will lead you wherever you go. Stay loyal, even if you move away from people make an effort to keep relationships going. People do still care...


Noun:  courage 1.     the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. "she called on all her courage to face the ordeal" o    strength in the face of pain or grief. "he fought his illness with great courage" synonyms: bravery , braveness, courageousness,  pluck , pluckiness,  valour ,  fearlessness , intrepidity, intrepidness,  nerve ,  daring ,  audacity ,  boldness antonyms: cowardice , timidity If you haven’t heard yet, my children and I are moving to a new (to us) house on COTP’s campus. (If this is news to you, you should ask to join my Facebook group where I share more updates and pictures). Our new house will be called The Courage House. In Life we have to do a lot of hard things, hard things that take a lot of courage. “Strength in the face of pain or grief”--we have a lot of grief and pain around here and that can look...