The Promise House
The sound of laughter of pure joy from a child Our main space The smell of rice, beans, sauce, and meat cooking on the stove The sight of children working on mastering new skills The feeling of love when cuddled up with a child The sight of a child’s face lighting up with a big smile knowing they are loved The excitement of a child beginning to crawl, sitting on their own, or playing well The sound of nannies talking amongst themselves as children nap The sound of music playing in the background Each of these sound like a part of a typical home. Each of these are present in the new Promise House at COTP. We currently have eight children from one to eight years old living in this space, all with varying forms of special needs. Each child plays a special part in this home and each child is worth it all. Our oldest goes to school in the morning. He is very active and loves to play on the playground, run around, and do gymnastic like activitie...