Update on Tori's Life at COTP
Every other month our adoptive parents recieve updates of their children written mostly by my friend and roomate Carla Lyster. They include medical, birthday, fun antics, stories, and any other special things that happened. Carla decided she should write one for me tonight--here it is. My commentary is added in italicized print. Tori recently returned to us after a month long stay in the States. It took Tori a few days to readjust to the climate and she has had some trouble adjusting to the noises in her new room. The water pump in particular has caused her some distress, but overall she is adapting well to the new environment. (That water pump is loud and real annoying) Tori is getting along well with her new roommates and generally interacts very well. We are a little concerned about Tori’s spactial ability, as she sometimes tries to put large items in small containers, however we are sure this will improve with practice. (This just happened tonight and they wouldn't even let ...