So, I guess it is about time I posted in this. I've had it for a couple of months and its been sitting idle. I've been in Haiti for almost two weeks now. Lots has happened. Lets see (in no real order)... I've met a lot of people Learned more Creole Taught a new project to the seamstresses Discovered the world of Skype <3 Peeled a coconut with a machete, drank the juice, and ate the hardish stuff inside Cut a whole bunch of canvas Ate at a really good bakery Played with some pretty cool and funny kids Ate some great meals Forgot to eat a lot of meals Got sick Went to church Discovered more about myself Lost any sort of sanitation habbits I had Wished I had a remote from Click only to mute to the roosters at 3:30am in the morning, luckily I fall right back asleep Ironed more in the last week and half than I have in my entire life (probably ironed about 50 times more) Cleaned dog poop off a toddler's foot Laughed a lot Cried some Seen people live i...